Haier HLP21N vs. HLP23E Comparison

What's the main difference between HaierHLP21N and Haier HLP23E compact washer? The HLP23E has a larger capacity and it offers more on sort capacity, spin speed, and water level selection. Use our table, videos, and images below to compare the Haier Haier HLP23E vs HLP21N portable washers.

Which one is better? You decide.


HLP21N Compact washer

1.0 Cu. Ft. Portable Washer
1.0 Cu. Ft. Portable Washer with Electronic Controls

HLP23E Compact Washers

1.5 Cu. Ft. Large Capacity Portable Washer
1.5 Cu. Ft. Large Capacity Portable Washer with Electronic Controls


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Capacity (cu. ft.)11.5
Sort Capacity11.5
Maximum Spin Speed RPM700750
Lint FilterNoYes
Drum Basket MaterialStainless SteelPolypropylene
Heavy Duty Casters IncludedYesNo
Delay StartNoYes
Status LedsYesLED Display
Water Level Selections34
Door LidClear PlasticWhite Plastic
Feature 1Heavy Duty Casters IncludedLift & Carry Handles on Cabinet
Dimension and widthCarton Depth 20-1/8 22-15/16
Unit Depth 17-1/4
Carton Height 32-1/2
Carton Weight 51.8
Unit Weight 43
Carton Width 20-1/8
Unit Width 17-19/32
Shipping Width 20-1/8
Shipping Depth 20-1/8
Shipping Height 32-1/2
Shipping Weight 51.8
Weight 43
Carton Depth 22-15/16
Unit Depth 19-11/16
Carton Height 38-9/32
Carton Weight 75
Unit Weight 65
Carton Width 22-15/16
Unit Width 21-1/8
Shipping Width 22-15/16
Shipping Depth 22-15/16
Shipping Height 38-9/32
Shipping Weight 75
Weight 43

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Download Manual for Haier HLP21N and HLP23E

File NameSizeLink
HLP23E Manual.pdf389.49KBDownload
Energy Guide HLP23E.pdf389.49KBDownload
HLP21N manual LowRes.pdf1.36MBDownload
Energy Guide HLP21N.pdf109.03KBDownload
